YKG DMV: Day of the Girl & Our Bake Sale!
(Nov. 2018)
As YKG knows, women are navigators of the future. They are ones ones that steer society forward. They are the ones that take ideas and create action.
October 11th was International Day of the Girl, an important day to us here at YKG. As young girls, it is important that we realize the power we have to enact change and construct a better world with our actions, ideas, and thoughts.
Our group loves this day as it allows us to see how much strength we have. Not only can we see our might, but we can also reflect on our Girl Heroes and how they have influenced us into the people we have become. YKG is an extremely powerful sisterhood full of girls with amazing ideas and unique abilities. As we begin to launch into the year, International Day of the Girl was a critical reminder that we have the ability to transform our society through the execution of our projects.
International Day of the Girl is rather timely for the events YKG has been up to! As we get greater into the year, our projects are getting more and more developed.
Spanning from menstrual health, advocacy, and environmental causes, our projects address a plethora of issues we are passionate about.
Girls have been working through the month to finalize what we want to do and create presentations to present our ideas to the group.

On top of this, we held a successful bake sale with an amazing turnout. We would like to give a huge thank you to those who donated and participated. As a result of the wonderful community response, we now have a foundation to execute the best projects we possibly can.
As we get further into the year, our passion for service expands. We can’t wait to share our projects with you as they address pervasive issues in our world. Thank you for following along on our journey!
Happy November!